Product Name : La robusta máquina de recubrimiento por huecograbado para recubrimiento funcional y embalaje médico
Product Description

GCM (The Gravure coating machine for functional coating & medical packaging)

GCM model has remained perennially successful in applications within the functional coating and medical packaging industries. The design of GCM model prioritizes safety and coating quality to ensure the production of your coating products. In response to the explosive gas hazards associated with solvent-based coating operations, our professional considerations can provide comprehensive protective measures, including the delineation of hazardous areas, adequate positive pressure and ventilation systems, L.E.L. systems, and various safety interlock devices.

Especificaciones detalladas
Specifications   GCM
Max Machine Speed m/min
Material Width mm
600 / 800 / 1100 / 1200 / 1300 / 1500
43.3 / 51.2 / 59.1
Max Roll Diameter mm
600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 / 1500
23.6 / 31.5 / 39.4 / 47.2 / 59.1
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