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柔版印刷具備多項優勢,包括適用於各種印刷材料、可使用水性油墨以大幅降低 VOC 排放,並且印刷速度極快。因此,它對環境更加友善,符合全球環保意識抬頭的趨勢,使柔版印刷不僅在先進國家廣受採用,更逐漸成為全球市場的主流。
Phoenix 是坤裕精機(KYMC)推出的最暢銷衛星式(CI)柔版印刷機,專為有意轉型至柔版印刷的業者打造,能夠協助企業快速、順利地完成轉型。對於邁向柔版印刷的領域而言,Phoenix 不僅是得力助手,更是柔印業界值得信賴的最佳夥伴。
Global Packaging Industry's Green Transformation
As global environmental awareness rises and plastic reduction policies advance worldwide, the packaging industry is undergoing a significant transformation. Traditional plastic packaging is gradually being replaced by eco-friendly alternatives, with water-based barrier coating combined with paper packaging emerging as one of the most promising sustainable solutions. According to Allied Market Research, the water-based coating market was valued at $68.7 billion in 2022 and is estimated to reach $110.9 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2023 to 2032.
You can maximize operational efficiency by integrating the blow film extrusion with the inline flexo press. Integrating flexographic printing with the blow film extrusion machine allows for direct printing of designs, logos, patterns, and text onto the film as it is being produced. This integration will reduce the need for additional printing processes after the film extrusion operation. As a result, your throughput will increase, your downtime will decrease, and your waste will be minimized. In an ESG-focused era, this will give you a competitive edge in the market. However, this is only possible if you have chosen the right inline flexographic press to go with your blown film extrusion line. Here are three attributes to look for in an inline flexographic press 1. is it equipped with fast job change features 2. is it operator friendly 3. can it deliver quality print.