Butt Splicing for Easy-Peel Multi-Layer Films

For those that are not familiar with the nonstop web splicing. In general, there are two types of nonstop web splicing, which are lap splicing and butt splicing. Lap splicing is about joining two web rolls together. To join an end of a web roll and a beginning of a web roll together by laying one roll over the other with a tape. In this case, an overlapping region will be created to join the two rolls. On the other hand, butt splicing joins the two web rolls together without an overlapping region, which makes it much harder to perform. Butt splicing is used in applications where the thickness generated by the overlapping region during web joining is not acceptable.
A challenge was brought to KYMC: to provide a nonstop butt splicing for an easy-peel multi-layer film. What makes this challenge particularly difficult is that not only is butt splicing required, but it is to be performed on an easy-peel multi-layer film. The film has an easy-peel layer for protection purposes. To protect the film under the easy-peel layer from being scratched and exposed to contaminates. The protective layer will be peeled off during the production process. Therefore, the protective layer cannot be laminated to the film with strength; it has to peel off easily.
The conventional design for nonstop web splicing is to join the edge of an ending roll to the edge of a starting roll with one piece of tape. In the case of a nonstop web splicing for easy-peel multi-layer film, one piece of tape will not suffice. One piece of tape can cause the easy-peel protective layer to separate from the film after splicing. Therefore, the KYMC team has designed the equipment that allows for double-sided tapping during nonstop web splicing. To place tape on both sides of the material so that the easy-peel multi-layer film is sealed off during splicing and will not come apart.
The maneuver of the easy-peel multi-layer film is common in the technology sector, where materials need to be protected at the beginning of the process and to peel off the protective layer at a certain stage during the production. The nonstop web splicing developed by KYMC will help our customers to be more effective when it comes to coating, laminating, printing, and converting of these easy-peel multi-layer films.