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柔版印刷具備多項優勢,包括適用於各種印刷材料、可使用水性油墨以大幅降低 VOC 排放,並且印刷速度極快。因此,它對環境更加友善,符合全球環保意識抬頭的趨勢,使柔版印刷不僅在先進國家廣受採用,更逐漸成為全球市場的主流。
Phoenix 是坤裕精機(KYMC)推出的最暢銷衛星式(CI)柔版印刷機,專為有意轉型至柔版印刷的業者打造,能夠協助企業快速、順利地完成轉型。對於邁向柔版印刷的領域而言,Phoenix 不僅是得力助手,更是柔印業界值得信賴的最佳夥伴。
Global Packaging Industry's Green Transformation
As global environmental awareness rises and plastic reduction policies advance worldwide, the packaging industry is undergoing a significant transformation. Traditional plastic packaging is gradually being replaced by eco-friendly alternatives, with water-based barrier coating combined with paper packaging emerging as one of the most promising sustainable solutions. According to Allied Market Research, the water-based coating market was valued at $68.7 billion in 2022 and is estimated to reach $110.9 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2023 to 2032.